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Copper Fairy Gems

Malachite Onyx and Hematite in sterling

Malachite is a wonderful protection stone.  Malachite is all about flushing out toxic emotions, clearing away unwanted energies, and ensuring that those negative vibes stay 6 feet away at all times. It gives you courage, wisdom, and the ability to spot and say no to all kinds of emotional blackmail. It’s a stone that sends a warning bell when things aren’t as they seem, which in turn grants you the inner strength and confidence you need to know that no matter what, this stone will teach you how to have your own back without the paranoia. Malachite is all about giving you the capacity to embrace change. It’s also known as the Stone of Transformation. Malachite gives you a daily dose of courage, invites you to step out of your comfort zone, and serves up a savvy reminder that to move forward in life, there are some things you may need to leave behind. It does this without letting go of empathy or losing balance, but somehow keeps you centered, calm, and able to approach emotional decisions with ease and grace.

Onyx is a stone that offers its bearer immensely powerful vibrations of protection, willpower, focus and strength. Many believe that the onyx is there to drive motivation and to continuously push you forward in your life. It activates your root and solar plexus, as well as your third eye chakras.

Hematite stimulates concentration and focus, enhancing memory and original thought. Hematite grounds and protects; it strengthens our connection with the earth, giving a safe and secure feeling. Hematite utilizes the magnetic qualities to balance the body and to provide stability.

This unique cabochon does have a sister stone available, so if you are looking for two of these, please just ask. 
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